Benedict Saunders

About me

Hello! I'm Ben and I am currently a PhD student at the University of Warwick. My research focus is the exploration of the phase spaces of configurationally complex, energy-relavant materials.

A Brief CV

  • BSc (Hons.) Chemistry (2:1), University of Sussex (2019)
  • MSc Chemical Research (Dist.), UCL (2020)
  • Research Assistant, Zwijnenburg Group, UCL
  • PhD Chemistry, University of Warwick (We're getting there! Exp. 2025)

A picture of me should go here. I really should get some decent headshots.

My Research

This section is still to come. Please find below a list of my single publication to date. Look! it actually has more than 1 citation! That makes me happy.



University of Warwick

Principally, I use a Density Functional Theory to conduct my electronic structure calculations. Most recently, I have been using the all-electron code FHI-AIMS, but I have previously used VASP,TurboMole, and also a little ORCA thrown in there too during my Master's research.